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Working with the Laravel framework for 9 years - 5 lessons learned
Working with the Laravel framework for 9 years - 5 lessons learned

5 lessons learned after nearly a decade of working with the Laravel framework

PHP 8.4 - quick summary
PHP 8.4 - quick summary

A very quick summary of the most notable changes in PHP 8.4

The March 2024 Google Core Update
The March 2024 Google Core Update

A sledge hammer clean-up of the SERPs that took a lot of the small-business independent publishing world with it

PHP 8.1 is out soon, what are the new features?
PHP 8.1 is out soon, what are the new features?

PHP 8.1 is out soon, what are the new features?

PHP 8 is out soon, what are the new features and how easy is it to upgrade?
PHP 8 is out soon, what are the new features and how easy is it to upgrade?

PHP 8 is out on November 26th, it's a major version so let's look at what's changed

Migrating a PHP website with hundreds of thousands of urls and 17 years worth of data
Migrating a PHP website with hundreds of thousands of urls and 17 years worth of data

Millions of database entries, hundreds of thousands of users, lots of lessons learned.

PHP 7.4 is out and PHP 7.1 is reaching end of life, are you up to date?
PHP 7.4 is out and PHP 7.1 is reaching end of life, are you up to date?

7.4 is officially out today and 7.2 is really the minimum to be on now.

Creating multi-player, multi-team, real-time games with PHP and Vue JS
Creating multi-player, multi-team, real-time games with PHP and Vue JS

We recently worked on a project to create a live game with multiple teams competing, read about the solution and challenges.

PHP 7.4 is released soon - a quick new feature round up
PHP 7.4 is released soon - a quick new feature round up

PHP 7.4 is due to be released at the end of this month, here's a round-up of the things we're looking forward to

Managing SEO when moving and updating applications and websites
Managing SEO when moving and updating applications and websites

When you want to make big changes to your website or application but don't want to disrupt your SEO performance what do you do?