PHP Development from the Cowshed
Firstly, what is PHP? (if you're familiar with the language feel free to skip this bit)
PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.
Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
That's a nice introduction to PHP from the website, it's also worth noting that Wikipedia says 75 percent of websites use PHP. Any criticism of PHP from its early days are now long forgotten, it's fast, it's secure and it's a serious language that can handle pretty much anything... this is why we use it at Cowshed Works.

Cowshed Works and PHP
We develop large projects in PHP using the composer eco-system to access the huge range of PHP packages currently on offer. We test everything that we build with phpunit. Depending on the project we're very comfortable with PHP frameworks that can help speed up development, we're also comfortable building library projects that are self-contained or designed to integrate with another application.
We've been developing applications in PHP since 1999 when it was still in version 4. We have our own applications running today on PHP7 that were created on PHP4 so we've seen the changes the language has been through and the challenges developers face when migrating applications.
What kind of PHP applications have we built?
The scope of development projects we can take on is very broad; here's a list of some of the things we've built:
Content management system
Managing a 6 million monthly page view website
Online competitions
Live online competition quizzes and premium paid downloadable quiz PDFs
Website forum
Processing hundreds of thousands of posts, replies and polls
Motoring problems Q&A
Providing solutions to motorists with car problems
Find my nearest application
Locating nearby shops and services anywhere in the UK
Web page popularity index
System designed to rank and promote web pages based on usage
Car register & club
Application to log and display limited edition collector cars
Premium listing system
Annual subscription based payments for premium website listings
Static website builder
System to 'mill' thousands of pages from static data
Hotel booking systems
Booking requests and API integrations with major providers
Why would you choose us to build your PHP application?
We've been developing in PHP since 1999 and PHP 4. We know it very well, we know where it's strengths and weaknesses are. We've seen it grow and evolve into a serious language with an amazing ecosystem and global developer community. We've fixed applications that have been hacked due to poor PHP code, we've optimised slow PHP code, we've upgraded countless PHP websites and applications to the latest versions.
You might be wondering why we mention UK on this page about PHP, why does that matter? The answer is simply that we want to make it clear that everything coded at Cowshed Works is completed right here in our premises in Staffordshire in the West Midlands, right slap bang in the centre of the UK.
If that's not enough here are some more reasons why you might choose us for your next application build.